Your first Pokemon NSFW (mostly 1st Gen)

占卜结果 As Jordan Javier Lara comes upon a Deep lake, they are surprised by the approached Pokemon. It's a Anthro Vaporeon! As you slowly reach for a Net Ball, the wild Anthro Vaporeon jumps on top of you, making Jordan Javier Lara fall to the ground. As the Anthro Vaporeon looks at you, it Rips off all your clothes and licks you all over and to which it shoves Jordan Javier Lara 's head into their Waiting vagina. As the Pokemon rubs it large abdominal, Jordan Javier Lara is trapped, curled up into a ball inside the creature.

As it gets later in day, the Anthro Vaporeon then proceeds to Cough you up to cuddle with you. And as everything faded to black, Jordan Javier Lara only wish was that he could've reached for their Net Ball faster.


As our brave New trainer starts off on his first quest, they realize they need a Pokemon! How will this turn out!?

Pokemon Vore Gay
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