what stray kids member has a crush on you

占卜结果 Yvonne the person who has a crush on you is hyunjin, he enjoys listening to music with you and loves the way you smile sooooo much jisung, he loves when you laugh at his jokes and go out for ice cream with him! woojin, you're his little bear and he loves hugging you cause he thinks you're so cUTE uwu jeongin, he may be a little shy about it but spend time with you talking bullshit makes him soooo happy felix, you're his partner in crime and he loves going on random midnight dates on mc donald's with you uwu chan, he loves when you help him with his music and how you're so supportive and caring uwu minho, he loves dancing and laughing with you cause he's such a baby uwu changbin, he may seem a little cold but you're DEFINITELY the person that makes him soft and he would do anything to make you smile even that cringy aegyo uwu seungmin, he loves your sweet smile and how you support and hype him up so muchh uwu


yeah im bored

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