Growing little girlfriend

占卜结果 Your little Girlfriend Nora told you to meet her in the school gym.. After school you went to meet her.. When you arrived the 1.40m tall girl was allready waiting in her gym uniform. Nora: „finally you are here! Hihi. I got a suprise for you! Just close your eyes and give me your finger.“
You did as she wanted, you felt how she suddenly starts sucking at your finger! Surprised you opened your eyes, when she noticed you she laught. After she stepped back you realized that she is getting taller!!! She grew 20cm and was now close to your height! Her breast got bigger too, from an A-Cup straight to a C-Cup! Even her uniform was slightly stretched! „achoo“ she sneezed and shot another 20cm up in height and from that sneeze her breast also went up another 2 cups! Now her uniform was even tighter! „What do you think?“ asked the 1.80m tall Nora while squeezing her new breasts infront of you.

Because of a storm you decided to stay for the time at Nora‘s place. When she came in the room she didn’t notice you laying on the ground and tripped over you and fall onto you! Because of her size her breast landed right in your face! You could feel how she got heavier with every second she was laying on you! When you two got back up you noticed that she grow another 20 cm! You could now see how her allready tight clothes became even tighter! It was somewhat really sexy! Because of the small clothes from her 1.40m body on her 2.00m body, you could perfectly see her legs and arms which were unbelievable long and also you see her beatiful slim belly because her top got pulled up by her huge breasts.


Little girlfriend becoming huge girlfriend!

growth size Giantess
占卜结果: 每日变化
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