An unexpected guest! [NSFW]

占卜结果 Sarah beaumont is a Kitsune with nine incredibly soft, luscious tails swishing behind her. Two pointy fox ears rest stop her head, and she seems to have a very surreal, even eccentric aura about her.

Her chest is quite big, bouncing whenever she moves, but still very perky on their own, with practically no sag. In human terms, these breasts would be D-cups.

She's built like a bodybuilder, with quite obvious muscles and a visible six-pack. She's got muscly thighs and large biceps. She could probably bench you if she wanted to.

She's completely wild, and understands absolutely nothing about human civilization or any of it's standards or rules. She just wants you. (Sorry if this contradicts anything.)

Why she's here, however, is because she's been watching you from the shadows for a while now, sneaking around, waiting to express her feelings for you.


A ravenous monster-girl has broken into your house, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. She's in your room, staring down at you. Let's find out what exactly she is.

NSFW Monster Lewd
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