nonhuman bounty

占卜结果 About two weeks ago, in your own bedroom, with the window left open, you found yourself tied up and pleasured by a pair of centaurs competing to one-up each other. They were selfish lovers, and at first you were afraid they would hurt you, but once your body stretched to accommodate them, you could think of nothing other than your own overwhelming pleasure — and the fact that centaurs are notoriously fertile.

After spending as long as you could getting filled until you could imagine no joy greater than making this your sole purpose in life, you were left with a subtly rounded midsection that you hoped would grow, and that weighed down gently upon your hips. Even though your condition is already evident, it won't be until a month and a half from now that you'll have an undeniable answer: From the nausea you'll begin to suffer in the mornings, it'll be obvious that you're heavy with young. Over the course of the next fourteen months, your belly will swell with astonishing speed, until it becomes heavier and more enormous than you had ever thought possible, and aches constantly as a result of its rapid enlargement.

By the time you’re ready to deliver, your belly will ache constantly from how active your brood is. After an intense and complicated birth, you’ll be drained but fulfilled, and almost miss having such a full belly. With any luck, you won’t have to wait too long before you’re carrying another round of young — and you'll look forward to it, finally embracing your body’s true purpose.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

nsfw preg terato
占卜结果: 每日变化
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