nonhuman bounty

占卜结果 A couple of weeks ago, at a formal ceremony, you found yourself pleading for the attention of an invisible presence. When it pushed into you, all you could see was the way your belly bulged obscenely when it bottomed out. If it stayed buried this deep, it would likely leave you with a souvenir or maybe several — but you’d only know from the way your belly would swell as they grew.

After spending the duration of your cycle getting stretched until you could imagine no joy greater than making this your sole purpose in life, you were left barely swollen, with a subtly convex midsection that you hoped would soon grow. Even though your condition is already evident, it won't be until about a month from now that you'll have an unambiguous answer: According to the results of a series of thorough tests, you can be positive that you're heavy with young. Over the course of the next eighteen months, your abdomen will swell with astonishing speed until it becomes so enormous that you can no longer do anything other than eat and rest, as others tend to your every need and marvel at your fecundity.

By the time your young are ready to be born, your brood will have been moving inside of you for weeks. After a straightforward birth that leaves you pleasurably sore, you’ll almost miss having such a heavy belly. With any luck, you won’t have to wait too long before you’re carrying another round of young — and you'll look forward to it, finally embracing your body’s true purpose.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

nsfw preg terato
占卜结果: 每日变化
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