What Monster Girl are you...

占卜结果 Fernanda is an Elf! A highly magically inclined race, they are legendary for possessing long lifespans and slender/attractive figures; bearing no cosmetic imperfections or blemishes.

Fernanda boasts some nice 39 Double H tiddies and along with being Dominant their fetish is Melissaphilia - (Arousal to bees and wasps)

Fernanda is on all levels except physical, a wolf and their match is very bicycle (Gayness comes in waves)


「Romance Prediction」
=IF( 277 >=250,As someone who is very bicycle (Gayness comes in waves) Fernanda's love interest always knew they would one day entangle souls. Neither of them could have realized it was going to happen so smoothly and so soon. Love ensues!,Fernanda has always been attracted to certain types. After a long conversation about how their crush is very bicycle (Gayness comes in waves) possibly even a freak - Fernanda expresses all of their emotions and breaks into tears after being declined embarrassed and then ruined.)


Find out what your true monster girl is and what fetishes you've been hiding. Also, if it breaks with your name, just add a 1 to the end!
(This changes daily, so check back later.)

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