Fate Romance

占卜结果 Fernanda falls in love with Sheba.
However, Fergus Mac Roich is also competing for your love!

Sheba was initially a rival master´s servant during the 6th Holy Grail War. Despite the odds, you catch Sheba's eye, by sharing your dreams with them.

Sheba confesses her love to you in a striking manner, singing softly into your ear.

her's song for you: - Hit me with your best shot - Lean on
Your song for them: - ignite
The first date:
They sit down in an empty theatre with you bashfully plucking at the keys. By the time they're done, you’re clapping and exclaiming so much praise that their cheeks flush. They feel a hundred times lighter, and your compliments make them realize that you’re such a sweet person. As the saying goes, i
Sheba: I like tracing the lines in your palm, it’s...distracting.

*They name their plants based on inside jokes the two of you have. And the flower meant to symbolize your love, which has begun to sprout, is named after you. You’re beginning to sense some favoritism among their plants, but it’s a sweet gesture nonetheless.
*Really just wants you to be happy. They would follow you to the ends of the earth if you wanted to go there.
*You blow kisses to each other, and the other grabs air near them and puts it near their heart



A shindan that gives you a detailed description of life with your fate lover!
Mello Soto@Mello22021297

Anime Love FGO
? 种
占卜结果: 每日变化
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