Your Magical Girl Persona!
Magical Girl Name Azalea
Theme (Or multiple themes)Phantom Thief, Flowers, Grace & fencing class.
Transformation Device TypeAmulet or bracelet
Transformation PhraseI’m too old for this but I can't go back now.
Transformation Device NameMana transfer
Transformation ElementsPerformance and hiding behind a facade.
Outfit Type (Dress, Suit, etc)Leggings, mask, Skirt, corset thingy.
Hairstyle Functional
Weapon Type (Gun, Sword, Wand)Sword and pistol
Attack NameAgile strike
Azalea's transformation begins as she clasps her amulet, whispering "I’m too old for this but I can't go back now." A burst of energy envelops her as Mana Transfer activates, embodying grace and mystery. Her outfit consists of leggings, a mask, skirt, and corset, exuding elegance. With a functional hairstyle, she wields a sword and pistol. In battle, she performs "Agile Strike," a swift and powerful attack that reflects her fencing class background and phantom thief theme.


Lol, I just gave up in the end. It’s late here.


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