Your Magical Girl Persona!
Magical Girl Name Silver Star
Theme (Or multiple themes)Stars and glitter
Transformation Device TypeCompact mirror
Transformation PhraseSilver lining
Transformation Device NameAstral charm
Transformation ElementsSilver glitter and stars
Outfit Type (Dress, Suit, etc)Space theme idol dress
Hairstyle Long pretty hair with glitter and silver hair ornaments.
Weapon Type (Gun, Sword, Wand)Magic Staff
Attack NameStar locked
Silver Star, the embodiment of stars and glitter, wields the power of the cosmos with her Astral Charm, a compact mirror. By chanting "Silver lining," she transforms in a dazzling sequence of silver glitter and stars. In her space theme idol dress, adorned with silver hair ornaments, her long hair sparkles. Her weapon, a Magic Staff, unleashes her powerful attack, "Star locked," which ensnares foes in a celestial prison.


This sounds like something I’d see in a game.


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