Pokemon transformations(TF)

占卜结果 Damien just got a new job as a mascot for a Pokémon theme park.

Arriving at their first day at work. They receive their mascot costume. A thick plushy Popplio suit.

Taking off most of their clothes and putting the costume on. They look in a mirror and see a large plushy Popplio staring back. It feels kind of surreal.

It takes some time to get used to their new role. Moving around in the suit is hard and acting like a happy plush Popplio is awkward.

But over the course of the day it gets easier. Their human worries melting away. Only right now matters and right now their a plushy Popplio.

After a long and exhausting day. They go to the employee lounge. Seeing everyone already left. They reluctantly take off the costume. After reminding themself that they'll wear it again tommorow.

Too exhausted to go back home they lay down on the couch and within seconds drift to sleep.

Every time they try to speak in their dreams. Only Popplio speech comes out.

When they wake up they find themself somehow wearing the costume again. But they took it off.. right?

They take it off in front of the mirror. But not before admiring themself as a good plush Popplio.

After taking it off they notice a small spot on their belly. It looks as though the suit is rubbing off on them.. They touch the spot. It feels the same as the plush suit. Seems like they'll soon truly be a good plush Popplio.

Their opinion of Popplio gets more positive the more they change. Soon it's one of their favorite Pokémon.

After a week their fully transformed. Let's hope they managed to do everything they wanted to as a human.


Some scenarios of someone transforming into a Pokémon.

Pokemon Transfur Transformation
? 种
占卜结果: 每日变化
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