What Monster Girl are you...

占卜结果 Nata is a Tropical Mermaid! A rare subspecies of Mermaid found within tropical waters, usually near or within coral reefs. They are famed for their beauty and prone to living pampered lifestyles. They will not do well in poor environments.

Nata boasts some nice 37 Double F tiddies and along with being Dominant their fetish is Actirasty - (Arousal to the sun’s rays)

Nata is thinking about fondling their match and their match is looking at some gay sh*t


「Romance Prediction」
Nata was easily able to get their crush's attention and swoon them into a terrible relationship full of hate and distrust. Both of them take a suicide pact but back out at the last second. Neither of them will live a happy life after this.


Find out what your true monster girl is and what fetishes you've been hiding. Also, if it breaks with your name, just add a 1 to the end!
(This changes daily, so check back later.)

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