Surprising Your Dragon Daddy

占卜结果 Abdullah's dad is a nine foot tall, muscular dragon daddy. He's everything you could ever ask for: he's loving, kind, and - most importantly - a great cook. All of these words could be used to describe Abdullah, except for the one about cooking... Abdullah's dad was busy brushing his teeth at the moment, but if Abdullah knew anything about his dad, it would be that his dad always showered after he finished brushing his teeth. Abdullah looked down as his hand pulled his underwear away from his crotch. "We're similar in almost every other way. I just need to know if this particular apple falls far from the tree." Abdullah listened for the tell-tale sounds of the shower before heading in. Abdullah slowly opened the bathroom door before looking the the plastic doors of the shower. It looked as though Abdullah's dad was checking for lumps on his privates. Abdullah took this as his chance to strike and quickly opened the door, jumping into the shower. He looked at his dad and was shocked to see him chugging his own spooge. Abdullah's dad looked up to see his son standing in front of him and lifted his head up. Abdullah immediately got a better view of the prize. It was absolutely massive at ninety-six inches and really girthy. Underneath, wrecking ball sized nuts swung proudly between his legs, swelling with seed. Abdullah stared at his dad's genitals and inched forwards. Abdullah's dad inched backwards, but he eventually hit the wall. With the sudden impact and built-up pressure, Abdullah's dad unleashed a bathtub's worth of spooge onto his child's face and entire body. Released from his afterglow, Abdullah's dad blushed profusely and said, "I'm sorry," and hugged his son.


Mini-stories revolving around "Surprising Your Dragon Daddy" where he seems to be the one surprising you.

Furry Father/Son Adult
占卜结果: 每日变化
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