What Monster Girl are you...

占卜结果 Diynah is a Shapeshifter! A rare being that can manipulate any part of it's body to perfectly mimic anything it has seen previously. This ability can be apprectiated in many jobs from espionage all the way to RP in the bedroom. Either gender wins..

Diynah boasts some nice 35 Triple F tiddies and along with being Dominant their fetish is Fetishism - (Arousal to objects that have been in physical contact with desired person)

Diynah is wet and their match is very bicycle (Gayness comes in waves)


「Romance Prediction」
=IF( 206 >=250,Nothing pleases Diynah more than licking windows. That is until Diynah realized that their crush was very bicycle (Gayness comes in waves) and a size 24 Double G!!! Without any hesitation Diynah started to box those tiddies. Between the moans their crush said the three magical words of love. "Milk me mommy".,Diynah has always been attracted to certain types. After a long conversation about how their crush is very bicycle (Gayness comes in waves) possibly even wearing animal ears and a tail - Diynah expresses all of their emotions and breaks into tears after being declined embarrassed and then ruined.)


Find out what your true monster girl is and what fetishes you've been hiding. Also, if it breaks with your name, just add a 1 to the end!
(This changes daily, so check back later.)

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