AI | Generate a fakemon Pokedex entry

Your Fakemon's nameMarshamander

Description | A Fire and Water type fakemon resembling a small salamander. Its body is covered in blue and orange scales, and it has a long tail with a flame at the end.

Moves |
Flamethrower - Marshamander exhales a powerful stream of fire at its opponent, causing damage and possibly burning them.
Water Pulse - Marshamander releases a pulsating wave of water from its mouth, dealing damage and potentially confusing the target.
Dragon Pulse - Marshamander focuses its energy and releases a powerful pulse of dragon energy, hitting the opponent with great force.
Scald - Marshamander sprays boiling hot water at the enemy, causing damage and potentially burning them.

Ability |
Blaze - When Marshamander's HP is below one-third, the power of its fire-type moves is increased by 50%.


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